I must say motherhood is all careers put into one. You have; cook, housekeeper, money manager, taxi, teacher, and I bet I am missing a ton of others. On top of it all you do not even earn income. If you think your current job is hard try being a homemaker. I would complain all the time about my career jobs but after being a stay at home mom I will never complain again.
After being thrown-up on, peed-on and poohed, and breast milk covering my shirt and some days I cannot even get a shower because I have two screaming babies I have to take care of. Yes I will never complain again.
My Mom did this with six kids by the time she was 29. I give my mother all thumbs up for not killing us and not going into the funny farm. I am 31 and I am trying to handle two, who are one year apart. Somehow, I have survived the first month of raising these two beautiful children. I have learned you take each day at a time. Some days feel like your not going to make it but then the next day is smooth sailing. I guess that what makes feel like I can do this. My husband helps out as much as he can. If he did not help, I think I would be a walking zombie, with eye-bags as big as the Hoover dam.
I am grateful that I can stay home with these little monsters. Of course, the biggest monster is the mother. One day this monster will turn into a beautiful swan like her mother before her. We all survive. We learn and grow from each experience and with our posterity comes much joy.
Oh and remeber today is when Pearl Harbor was attacked and the start of WWII. Thank-you veterans for your service. You are always in our hearts and prayers.